How I Reduced My Anxiety

Reduced Anxiety tips

By Liz Hankin, M.A., MFT

In todays digital age we are all very concerned with what’s coming next and never seem to be happy in the moment. I swear every time a new iPhone or Apple Product comes out anxiety amongst the masses skyrockets. This need to be the best, by always knowing what is coming next in the technological world sometimes bleeds over to our personal world. I know for me, who still has an iPhone 5s (I’m fine with it), I still find my anxiety spiking at various times due to my mind pushing me into the future before I am ready. Living in the future in your mind and making up possible outcomes to things that have yet to occur, can make anyone anxious. It has been said that, “anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength”, and as someone with an Anxiety Disorder I tend to agree. In recent years I have gotten my anxiety under control, now I no longer even need medication to get me through my days. Over the past 10 years here are some things that I have used to help me get to the point where I am today, at peace with my anxiety.

In the end, you need to find what works or you. Whether it is one or two of the things I listed or all of them combined. Most importantly though, please do not ignore what your body is saying to you.

One day I hope that you can make peace with your anxiety the way that I have and not miss out on things just because they scare you.(Reduced Anxiety)

Trust me, I still get anxiety and anxious thoughts run rampant in my head sometimes but instead of letting them cripple me I use them as a reminder to stay present and enjoy the discomfort because in the end that is how we grow and change.



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